08 March Views:3496

The creation of a powerful symbol, that of "The Spiral Goddess" - "The Spiral Goddess" was intended to honor both the life-giving energy of creativity and the Matriarchy, which in recent years has been literally and figuratively murdered. The Mother Goddess, the feminine principle that dominates the unity of the world and should dominate human relationships as an expression of empathy, warmth, care and creation has, since ancient times, the sacred spiral, a semiology of the spiritual search in its depths . self and the hidden secrets of the universe. It is a symbol that is not only addressed to women, but is an essential means of remembering, for all of us, all those values that we consciously or unconsciously neglect. The Goddess who stretches out her hands to the heavens defines that the primordial power of the spirit springs from within and is capable of transforming our world if expressed with selfless love and sincerity.

"I raise my hands to the heavens,

I put my feet firmly on the soil of the Earth.

I claim and express my own Truth"

In the Alchemists' books, Brass is mentioned as the metal that helps express inner truth and goodness. Whoever wears this metal in the flesh is said to be able to easily shake off the darkness of the past and anything deceptive, bringing truth and purity to the surface. Brass as an alloy of copper and zinc (planetary metals of Venus and Uranus), carries energies of progress and creativity. The planetary metals (gold/Sun & silver/Moon), which coat the brass, enhance the energies of the metal, imparting vibrations of spiritual healing and cleansing.

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