
27 April Views:3589
The stone of love and romance. Its name comes from the Latin word carnis (flesh), indicating its similarity, due to its color, to flesh and its positive properties for the body.
    In ancient Egypt, it was worn to protect against anger, jealousy, envy and hatred. Carnelian is also used to promote peace and harmony. It is believed to neutralize doubts and provide patience. In the Renaissance period, it was worn to protect against witchcraft and was considered a talisman for the home, but also for soldiers in battle. Mohammed and Napoleon are said to have worn carnelian amulets.
      Also, during the Renaissance period it was considered the stone of the upper class and was worn ostentatiously, while in India it is also called the "Maharaj's stone", since it is associated with money, wealth, abundance and professional advancement and is a symbol beauty and strength.
     This particular semi-precious stone is considered stabilizing. It restores the vitality of what carries and excites him, giving him motivation and courage for new pursuits and beginnings. It is considered to increase fertility and stimulate sexuality, which is why it is also called the stone of Passion.
    On a spiritual level, it calms anger and replaces hate with love, stimulates sexuality and helps shy people, as it strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem, helps to make decisions and focus on the essence of the issues that concern us. Increases humor and removes sadness. It also protects the mind from would-be manipulators.
    Energetically, it is used as an aid to spiritual and metaphysical work, such as divination and retrospection. Cleanses Karma from her and past lives. It helps to remember and understand our dreams, calms and calms the spirit. It helps in the parent-child relationship. It is related to the first chakra (Mulandhara), which is located at the base or root of the body.

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